The Mars Blueprint Community

The Mars Blueprint: It takes a community

It is an amazing time to be alive.  For the first time in nearly 60 years a period of revolutionary rocket technology is overlapping with significant public support for manned space exploration beyond low Earth orbit.  The last time these two magical trends collided the world witnessed mankind take its first steps on the Moon.  

It can happen again, but it will take more than foolproof plans, amazing technology, billions of dollars and government space programs… It will take a community.  

Public support is the lifeblood of any major initiative involving large, expensive and dangerous government programs and a mission to Mars is no exception.  The Apollo missions were not ended because they ran out of science to conduct or federal money but because the public quit watching… quit caring… and only then the significant costs could no longer be justified over more pressing issues on Earth.  

To build that support we need a community which functions as the idea makers and the policy shakers who drive a Mars Blueprint into existence. To get to Mars we need a community who will rally to the cause through thick and thin. A group of people who come alive talking about rocket specs and dream of exploring new worlds. A community who gathers around their iPads and phones to watch each SpaceX milestone mission cheering on each impossible launch or landing like it was the winning touchdown of the Superbowl. We need you.

So where can you find this community of Space enthusiasts and support the cause? We have the resources you need.

First, get informed. You can find a wide range of Space related information at Feedspot’s 70 Best Space Blogs and Websites

Get involved.  The Mars Society is the world’s largest and most influential space advocacy organization dedicated to the human exploration and settlement of the planet Mars.  Their website contains some of the most extensive publicly available research on every aspect of Mars and their founder, Dr. Zubrin literally wrote the book on the Mars mission plan that inspired Elon Musk to start SpaceX.  Dr. Zubrin’s “Case for Mars” is a must read for any Mars mission enthusiast. 

Join the conversation. The Mars Society, Mars, SpaceX, SpaceXlounge, and Space Launch System Subreddits on are filled daily with information and debates on the policy, plans and technology that will be needed to travel to Mars and beyond. You can also get direct updates on Twitter from Elon Musk at @elonmusk, follow SpaceX directly from @SpaceX, get daily updates on cutting edge spacecraft launches at @NasaSpaceflight or interact with us at @Marsblueprint.

It doesn’t matter which way you choose to be involved. It only matters that you are involved. There are dozens of other ways to engage, interact, show your passion and become a part of the larger community that supports future manned missions to Mars. So help us create the Mars Blueprint by engaging, sharing and joining our community.